

  • Admissions office can be reached by email at
  • Information about how to apply are available at
  • Admission to our institute is governed by 2 criteria: High school GPA and Capacity.
  • Admissions deadline is two weeks before the beginning of each quarter.
  • All applicants should send all documents to the admissions office before admissions deadline.
  • All documents received by the admission office is institutional property and will not be returned.
  • Applications after the deadline are welcome but there is no guarantee for on-time processing.
  • Late fee may apply for late applications.
  • Admission decisions are done on a rolling basis.
  • We do not discriminate between applicants on basis of their race, religion, gender, nor disability.


  • Registrations office can be reached by email at
  • Catalog, course schedule, and forms are available at
  • Students will be registered for courses according to designated study (quarter-by-quarter) plan.
  • Payments are done before each quarter on a quarter-by-quarter basis.
  • Full payment for the assigned quarter is mandatory prior to course registration.
  • After full payment, the registrations office will
    • send electronic student ID card.
    • grant access to online classes.
    • enroll the student in assigned courses.


  • Bursars’ office can be reached by email at
  • Information about how to pay your tuition and fees are available at
  • Bursar is a British word that identifies the person who manages the financial affairs of the institute.
  • This department is responsible for collection of tuition, establishing payment methods and plans.
  • There is special discounted tuition for certain countries.
  • Scholarships are available for top students. Contact the admissions office for more information.
  • Payments could be done by credit cards, cashier’s check, or electronic mode.
  • Payment should be done 2 weeks before enrollment to each academic quarter.
  • Payments are done on a quarter -by- quarter basis.
  • Students are subject to late payment fee if payment was not received before deadline.


  • Legal’s office handles the corporate paperwork, taxes, licenses, and accreditation.
  • The institute is owned by Gary International LLC and it is incorporated in the state of Louisiana.
  • The corporation handles human resources, taxes, and any legal issues.
  • Authorization is part of the work done in this department. It requires a lot of paperwork filing and keeping up with state criteria and standards.
  • Accreditation is provided by an accrediting agency that is recognized by the US department of higher education department. It also requires a lot of paperwork and meeting a set of standards.


  • The Technical department handles all technical issues in the institute.
  • They provide electronic accounts for faculty members, staff, and students.
  • They also set up email accounts and establish software requirements for online education.
  • Software and Platforms are selected to adapt institutional needs to fulfill their educational duties.
  • They also design and maintain the institutional website.


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