Business Administration

2-year diploma program

2-year diploma program

Our 2-year diploma programs consist of 4 levels of knowledge.

  • 1st level is English skills. This is to enhance student language skills in reading and writing. This consists of 3 courses (12 cr. hrs.)
  • 2nd level is basic knowledge. This is broad knowledge all students need before graduation. This consists of 3 courses (12 cr. hrs.) 
  • 3rd level is major knowledge. This is major knowledge in the area of student study. This consists of 4 courses (16 cr. hrs.) 
  • 4th level is minor knowledge. This is specialized knowledge in a specialized area of study. This consists of 4 courses (16 cr. hrs.)

5 more courses required, and they are provided as follows:

  • 4 elective courses (16 cr. hrs.)
  • 1 externship (4 cr. hrs.)
  • 1 graduation project (4 cr. hrs.)

The program has total 80 cr. hrs. in quarter system. Currently we have 4 different minor specializations. These are: (1) Accounting; (2) Executive secretary; (3) Human relation management; and (4) Sales and marketing. Table 4 shows program plan and course title. Benefits of this system is:

  • Segregation of level of knowledge.
  • Student will concentrate on one level of knowledge at a time.
  • Students can organize their class schedule easily.


Check our available programs:

Minor Speciality

Program Plan

1st quarter

Students improve English pronunciation, speaking, listening abilities. They will also develop vocabulary knowledge, use correct verb tenses, learn to have a conversation, and use idioms and expressions. This is done through small group conversations, presentations, listening activities, pre-recorded video

English language is a global recognized language. Students learn vocabulary, basic reading, writing, communication skills, grammar, punctuation, and citing sources. This is done through online lecture classes, group discussions, workshops, audios, videos, and non-curriculum activities

Forms and functions of technical documents. Produce technical documents such as instructional, informational, description, reports, and manuals. Determine document style, layout, vocabulary, sentence, paragraph structure, and visuals. Analyzing writing contexts and producing effective, clean, and audience-oriented documents

2nd quarter

Effective communication is essential to successful business. It affects our ideas, decisions, and success in our lives. Students learn professional, communication, and critical thinking skills. This course combines theory with practice allowing students to apply their knowledge in real world.

Students learn word processing, spreadsheets, databases, memos, presentation, graphics, spreadsheets, excel and Google Sheets, and using the internet in business environment

Groups, basic algebra, factorization and fractions, equations, matrices and determinants, sequences, functions, and straight-line equations

3rd quarter

Students learn preparation of financial and managerial reports, and to make investment decision. Other topics include revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities, balance sheet, accounting debits and credits record transactions

Students learn about forms of business organizations, business administration, management, leadership, ethics, logistics, marketing, finance, accounting, and behaviors

Students learn leadership, entrepreneurial, and management skills to influence, motivate, and show recognition to your employees. This includes portfolio preparation, verbal presentation, documenting achievements, generating work, identifying expertise, marketplace positioning, developing business plan, promoting professional practice, registrations of interest, and competition briefs

Students learn how individual and work group behave. Topics include communication, motivation, stress, conflict, rewarding behavior, job design, organizational structure, decision making, change power and politics

Free Electives

This course is designed for non-Arab speakers. Students learn pronunciation, vocabulary building, reading, writing, and grammar

This course designed for student with little to no knowledge of Islam. Students learn about Islamic monotheism belief, prophet Mohammed (pbuh), Islamic history, pillars of Islam, religious practice, rituals, and how it affects our social and cultural modern lives

Students learn the biography of prophet Mohammed (PBUH). This includes Arabs before his birth, his childhood, youth, prophecy, Makkah preaching, Madinah preaching, and his relation to other prophets

Students learn American Sign Language including basic receptive and expressive sign skills and vocabulary for beginner. This Includes alphabet, numbers, linguistic, grammatical principles, facial markers, and body movement. This also includes education of deaf children, ASL stories, songs, poetry, culture, and community

Students learn basic psychology, mental processes, behavior, mind/body relationship, and self/other relationship

Social science affects our lives in many aspects. This course is designed for non-humanity majors. Students learn about human behavior, culture, socialization, race, ethnicity, social changes, and collective behavior

Minor: Accounting

Students learn financial statements and analysis, bonds, stock market, derivative, time value of money, basic asset valuation, risk and return, capital budgeting, and financing decisions

Students learn accounting concepts, reporting techniques, and to analyze accounting data. They also learn managerial accounting including cost accounting, cost behavior, budgeting, differential analysis, and responsibility. They also learn reporting techniques such as spreadsheet and graphical presentation

Depends on course selected

Students learn accounting principles, procedures, and financial statements. This includes financial reporting, current assets, inventory, property, plant, and equipment, and intangible assets

Students learn auditing principles, importance, planning, procedures, ethical responsibilities, audit programs and international financial Reporting Standards

Depends on course selected

Minor: Executive Secretarial

Students learn secretarial duties, customer service, answering letters, phone calls, emails, faxes, computer skills, scanning documents, filing systems, information confidentiality, organizing meetings, taking messages, prioritizing workloads, travel arrangements, outgoing memos, incoming posts, and organize busy schedules

Students learn theory and practice, history, communications, program management, strategic planning, media, professional writing, strategic thinking, planning, organization, and crisis management

Depends on course selected

Students learn prewriting, note taking, drafting, revising, editing, summarizing, design documents, logical argument, formal writing, oral presentations, technical reports, and recommendations

Students learn word processing basics, create documents, editing, formatting, saving, and printing. Students also learn software features, keyboarding, and business documents styles

Depends on course selected

Minor: HR Management

Students learn history of HR management, key HRM concepts, employee relations, recruitment & selection, compensation, performance evaluation, and training & development

Students learn about law and technical systems. This includes laws, regulations, government agencies, job classifications, background checks, contracts, references, hiring and firing. It also includes technology in administration such as software, hardware, payroll, workforce, performance, benefits, web-based tools, and technological applications

Depends on course selected

Students learn HR planning processes, policies and procedures, job analysis, supply and demand, succession management, deployment, retention, staffing, recruitment, screening, testing, interviews, references, contracts, evaluation, hiring, downsizing, restructuring, mergers, and acquisitions

Students learn planning processes, training systems, assessment needs, task analysis, development programs, evaluating training programs, and career development

Depends on course selected

Minor: Sales and Marketing

Students learn Principles and theories of marketing. This includes customer orientation, strategic planning, market evaluation, targeting markets, buyer behavior, market information, products, services, pricing, distribution, and promotion

Students learn to analyze, design, and evaluate promotion decisions. This includes fundamental marketing, communication decisions, brief writing, copy writing. It also includes communication, media, and digital strategies.

Depends on course selected

Students learn E-marketing history, theories, methodologies, strategy development, e-business, and online market research. This includes internet, mobile, email, social media, and viral marketing. It also includes Search engines, website optimization, and applications for marketing.

Students learn history of modern sales, process, skills, methodologies, and ethics. They also learn negotiation, writing proposals, customer relationships, and time management. Students will be assigned to a real-life professional selling project

Depends on course selected

6th quarter: Graduation

Depends on course selected

Depends on course selected

Students will work in a business corporation or organization related to minor specialization under the supervision of the instructor and a member of the host organization. The length of the program is 8 weeks, 6 hours a week. Students are required to apply academic knowledge, participate in work activities, and write a final report after at the end of the program

This is a capstone graduation project. Student will conduct work and research that covers most concepts in his specialized minor. Student will write a final report that include his work, methodology, finding, and results